Zuchu breaks up with Diamond days after video emerged of him with his ex Zari Hassan

Colleta Ochieng
Colleta Ochieng

In news that will definitely reveberate round the East African entertainment scene, Bongo superstar Zuchu has announced that she has broken up with her boyfriend Diamond Platinumz, citing disrespect from the Kwangaru star as the reason.

Zuchu and Diamond Platinumz have had a relationship full of ups and downs. They’ve broken up and gotten back together multiple times, like a roller coaster ride.

But despite their messy history, they always seemed to find a way back to each other.

Recently, however, Zuchu announced yet another breakup. This comes shortly after they had reconciled and reignited their romance, following Diamond’s declaration that he was single.

Zuchu took to her Instagram to share her feelings saying that although breaking up and making up had become a routine for them, she hopes this breakup will be the last.

She further pointed to disrespect as the main reason for their split, and shared a video that highlighted the saying, ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’

“Hello family, I had to post this to clear my conscience. Kuanzia leo hii mimi na nasibu (Diamond) hatuko pamoja. I know this has been our thing but as hard as it is kumuacha mtu unaempenda hii naomba mungu iwe ya mwisho na nianze maisha mapya,” Zuchu wrote.

“Mapenzi ni heshima kwa bahati mbaya sana hiko kimekosekana kwetu . .as for him bado tuna kazi za pamoja i wish him and his family the absolute best. Tumeishi vizuri lakini nadhani hii sio rizki. Mwaka huu nimejifunza kusema hapana kwa kila kitu kisichonipa furaha ama baada ya kusema haya naona kabisa naenda kuanza ukurasa mpya wenye maisha yaliyojaa furaha, uhuru na amani. As for now kazi iendelee and I am single🍻Yours truly Zuchu❤️,” she added.

Despite the breakup, Zuchu made it clear that Diamond remains her business partner.

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